Serving our active duty military personnel, veterans & their families.
Sprout, in partnership with Region Five Development Commission (R5DC), will offer Veterans in the region opportunities to explore agricultural careers with hands-on learning opportunities through apprenticeships, fellowships, and cohort peer-to-peer learning. These opportunities are fully funded by the AgVet grant, funded by USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture, and will be delivered in conjunction with local institutions and partners to provide Veterans career curriculum and development certifications, and technical assistance programming as many of our Veterans embark on agricultural career exploration and transitions.
This work is supported by the USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture, Enhancing Agricultural Opportunities for Military Veterans Program, project 1029231 and will be implemented over a three-year period.

join the cohort
apply for fellowship

The goal of the VetCSA is to improve the overall quality of life for veterans and their families. Participating veterans receive a Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) food package twice per month, for one year at no cost. This initiative delivers healthy foods and gives additional knowledge and skills on how to prepare them. Building a healthy lifestyle creates a positive effect on physical and mental health. The VetCSA brings veterans, families, growers and communities together, with food coming from Sprout MN and supporting regional growers and ranchers. This project is funded by the Minnesota Department of Veterans Affairs (MDVA) through the (2018 Cycle II) Support Our Troops (SOT) license plate fund grant program. Learn more about VetCSA.
For more details on the MDVA SOT license plate fund grant program, visit:
Minnesota Military & Veterans Exchange
The Minnesota Military & Veterans Exchange (MNme) is a coalition and community project with one simple goal: to create a rallying point for all things related to creating healthier military and prior service communities.
The website is being created collaboratively by organizations coming together to support our military connected. We are creating a tool with best in class resources and the right connections for the support needed, rather than an endless list of resources. Check back often and get involved locally in your region.

I am a Vietnam veteran and really appreciate the VetCSA program. The produce, meat, eggs and other food is a great addition to our diet. I'm very impressed by the dedication and honest concern shown by your staff. I can tell Staci likes her job because it shows in the way she does it. I would certainly encourage you to continue this valiant program. Thank you for your time and effort spent in our communities.
Ray Hiedeman
Vietnam 66
25th Div. Cu Chi
To learn more about military connection initiatives, please connect with Staci Headley.